The Youth Development Centre serves as a focal point for young people locally and globally to incubate ideas, develop or upgrade their skills, enhance their leadership capacity, build-up their value-system and link them up with various opportunities. It provides mentorship and after-school programmes for young people from all walks of life.
The vision of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) is to be a reference point and inspirational training ground for grooming future leaders. By creating an enabling environment for young people and equipping them with skills, providing them with necessary tools, finance and networking, the OOPL Youth Centre hopes to build a mass of successful citizenry that will not depend on governments and multi-nationals but on themselves, their competences and nation-building proclivities.
A safe, secure and free place where young people can relax, network, play games, learn and be actively engaged will augur well for the socialising process needed to cultivate responsible citizenship.

The Youth Enterprise Summit (YES) was born out of the vision to create a paradigm shift in the way young business owners carry out their business ideas as many young Nigerians are settling for less than their potential and capabilities. The YES is targeted at lifting small-holding businesses early enough from mediocrity into a position of achieving their potential, attaining what they are truly capable of and in the process, transform our economy and the lives of millions of Nigerians.
The Youth Enterprise Summit is specifically targeted at the small-holding enterprise owners to enable them form and run innovative local business with global innovative concepts customized to run within the Nigerian market economy. The program will engage young people in a hands-on learning process on how to create wealth, build a business base, whilst engaging the big market players within the business chain.
The Youth Enterprise Summit(YES) also includes business exhibition for small and medium scale enterprises. It is a great opportunity for young people to showcase their business produce and expand their customer base.
In attendance, will be Aigboje Aig Imokuede, Chairman of the summit as well as Tope Sonubi, Speaker.
Friday. September 29, 2017
Presidential Conference Hall, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library Oke-Mosan Abeokuta
12 Noon (Exhibition starts 10 AM prompt).
Registration closes Monday September 25, 2017.