The Centre for Human Security (CHS) within the OOPL complex last quarter formally accepted the database and other intellectual resources of the Africa Progress Panel.
The APP’s work will be taken forward from 2018 by a new entity, provisionally named the Africa Progress Group.
The new entity with operational headquarters at the Centre for Human Security and Dialogue of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library in Abeokuta, Nigeria, will seek to create a network of robust regional and international partnerships focused on pushing for the implementation of the recommendations the APP has made over the years in its Africa Progress Reports and policy statements.
Formed in 2008, the Swiss-based foundation aims to bring about policy change through unique combination of cutting-edge analysis, advocacy, and diplomacy.
The panel’s members have access to the worlds of politics, finance, business and civil society at the highest levels, globally and in Africa.
The Africa Progress Panel’s capacity to generate and promote authoritative, independent recommendations enables the Panel to influence key policies that have profound consequences for the continent’s future.
Some of the reports now domiciled in CHSD include the– Agenda for progress for Africa at a period of global crisis – a call for African Leadership (APP 2009); From Agenda to Action: Turning Resources to Result for People (APP 2010); The Transformative Power of Partnerships (APP 2011); Jobs, Justice & Equity: Seizing Opportunities in Times of Global Change (APP 2012); Equity in Extractives: Stewarding Africa’s Resources for All (APP 2013); Grain, Fish, Money: Financing Africa’s Green & Blue Revolutions (APP 2014) and People, Power & Planet: Seizing Africa’s Energy & Climate Opportunities (APP 2015).
These resources dwell on complex and high-impacting issues that are particularly relevant to the African continent.