Arrival Pavillion

The Arrival Pavilion is the first point of visit on a tour of the OOPL museum in Abeokuta

Arrival Pavilion

The is the first port of call of visitors to the library. They are treated to several experiences that set them on a path to understanding the life and times of President Olusegun Obasanjo. The ticketing room serves as one of the first exhibitions galleries.

The Armoured Vehicle

This automobile was used by Olusegun Obasanjo during his time as a soldier. This vehicle wes very important to his military mission him during his time in the Congo wars.

The Mercedes Benz Pope-Mobile

This was used during President Obasanjo’s second term campaign. The open nature of the vehicle was strategic because it connected man seeking office to the people searching for leaders.


The Beetle

This was a Volkswagen Beetle that he used from his time as a young army officer, through his first stint as Head of State and after his retirement from the Nigerian army.


Olusegun Obasanjo's Beetle on display at the arrival pavilion in OOPL