“The brain box of the OOPL resides in the Centre for Human Security (CHS). In contextualising human security within Africa, [Professor Mabogunje] noted two factors that need to be clearly borne in mind. First is the fact that Africa has been marginal to the major thrust of the globalisation process and its impressive technological advances particularly in the transportation, information and communication fields. Second, arising from the first, is the mismatch between the security threats posed by globalisation and technological advances and the response capabilities of most of the countries within the African region.” – Olusegun Obasanjo.
My Watch – Now and Then
“After the series of consultations we finally agreed that the center should provide a base for theoretical, qualitative and quantitative analyses to unravel causal relationships and inter dependencies, which link or activate security threats in the cultural context of Africa.” – Olusegun Obasanjo. My Watch – Now and Then
The Centre provides a base for theoretical, qualitative and quantitative analyses to unravel casual relationships and interdependences, which link or activate security threats in the cultural context of Africa. The center proceeds from such analyses to make recommendations for action at the community, national, regional and global levels.
The Vision of the Centre is to improve human security in Africa.
Its Mission is to advocate, educate, inspire, and act upon issues, concerns and challenges impacting human security in Africa.

The Institute for African Culture and International Understanding, a UNESCO Category 2 Institute of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL), Abeokuta, Ogun State, was approved by the Executive Board of UNESCO in October 2008 and formally commissioned at its OOPL site on January 9, 2009 by Koichiro Matsuura, the immediate-past Director-General of UNESCO.
The Governing Board of the Centre, chaired by Dr Christopher Kolade, was inaugurated on March 4, 2009. The primary purpose of the Institute shall be to give greater recognition to culture as an enabler and a driver of sustainable development in the post-2015 development agenda, notably by promoting and supporting the implementation of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions within the Africa region.

This Youth Development Center serves as a focal point for young people locally and globally to incubate ideas, develop or upgrade their skills, enhance their leadership capacity, build-up their value-system and link them up with various opportunities. It provides mentor ship and after-school programs for young people from all walks of life.
The vision of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) is to be a reference point and inspirational training ground for grooming future leaders. By creating an enabling environment for young people and equipping them with skills, providing them with necessary tools, finance and networking, the OOPL Youth Centre hopes to build a mass of successful citizenry that will not depend on governments and multi-nationals but on themselves, their competences and nation-building proclivities.
A safe, secure and free place where young people can relax, network, play games, learn and be actively engaged will augur well for the socialization process needed to cultivate responsible citizenship.